What's Going on at SGBC?

Originally written to headquarter his missionary trip to Spain, Paul's letter to the church in Rome was intended to explain the gospel of God he was taking to the Gentiles to the ends of the earth.

Join us on Sunday mornings for our current preaching series on The Gospel of God: An Expositional Series Through the Book of Romans. Pastor Kurt Smith began preaching through this letter in November of 2006. The most recent manuscripts of these sermons are available on our website, with audio downloads coming soon.

Sunday Evenings @ 6:00 pm

Sixteen 30-minute DVD sessions with John Piper teaching the five points of Calvinism.

They are abbreviated as TULIP: Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, Perseverance of the saints.

John Piper walks study groups through each point in this DVD and its companion study guide, discussing the implications and the issues using the whole Bible. The lessons cover topics that include the meaning of “total” in total depravity, why do missions when God is sovereign, Romans 9 and the two wills of God, and ten effects of believing the five points of Calvinism.

This sixteen-session, guided group study equips facilitators, teachers, group leaders, and pastors to help their members understand the important differences between Calvinism and Arminianism. It also calls them to hold fast to biblical truth regarding God’s saving work in his people’s lives.

Wednesday Evenings @ 7:00 pm

Popular perception of Jesus Christ is that of a tempered, genteel man who walked the earth, offering nuggets of wisdom to His followers. But what we sometimes fail to recognize is that although Jesus Christ offered a message of forgiveness, He also spoke challenging, demanding words about what being a follower of Christ requires.

In contrast to the superficiality of much modern Christian teaching, Dr. John MacArthur serves up the unvarnished truth of what Christ taught and lived. In simple, compelling terms, he spells out what is required of those who would follow Him. Going beyond Jesus' life to include the crucifixion and resurrection, MacArthur shows readers that Jesus modeled the commitment and loving obedience He requires of us by making the ultimate sacrifice for humankind.

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